Thursday, July 6, 2017

SLGrid v2.0

SLGrid v2.0 updated with GPS capability compared to v1.0.  Converts between WGS84 and SLD99 systems similar to the previous version.

SLGrid v2.0 is the 2nd release of SLGrid v1.0. This version use the GPS of the device to run additional updates compared to previous release.

SLGrid v2.0 can use to obtain the N & E coordinates in SLD99 using  GPS.

GPS Mode consist with accuracy, satellites in use and satellite in view in addition to the N and E which represents more details regarding to the GPS properties.

SLD99 is only work accurately for Sri Lanka as it is programmed for SLD99 System.

For additional information about the app and the contact information use help and about in the settings menu of the app.

Click bellow button to download

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Traverse Adjustment v1.3

Traverse Adjustment v1.3 consist with Included Angle and Bowditch traverse adjustments. Detailed excel sheet of the traverse adjustment is generated by the software. Only the registered version of the software can do the completed traverse adjustment.

Click below link to download.

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Coordinate Transformation v1.1

Coordinate Transformation v1.1 with predefined SLD99 and Kandawala datum for Sri Lanka. Also new datum can be defined.

For the computation - Transverse Mercator Projection
                                Ferrari's Solution
                                Helmert Transformation are used.

Coordinate Transformation v1.1 is a java software which can be installed to PC. java jdk need to be installed. The program comes with a trial version with limited number of points that can be transformed. Contact me to purchase the full version.

google drive download link - click below icon to download.

Monday, January 23, 2017

SLGrid Android

Android apk for converting between WGS84 and SLD99